Looking for more information on a specific topic? You can dig deeper here. Need to talk to someone right now? Here's available helplines and hotlines that can provide support and connection.
Parenting with ACEs
ACE Resource Network
Understand your own personal ACE story and find paths to healing.
Parenting to Prevent and Heal ACEs
Donna Jackson Nakazawa and PACEs Connection
Two-page infographic describing support for grown-ups parenting with ACEs to help them heal and also prevent ACEs in their children. Available in English and Spanish.
Self-Care for Grown-Ups
ACEs Aware Self-Care Tool for Adults
ACEs Aware
Tips and a checklist to help you manage your stress response.
Self-Care for the Caregiver
Harvard Medical School
The article describes the impact of caregiving stress and 5 science-based ways you can counterbalance parent and caregiver stress.
Early Childhood Mental Health
InBrief: Early Childhood Mental Health
Harvard Center on the Developing Child
8-minute video that defines early childhood mental health and what we know about how to develop the foundations of good mental health and reduce later-life mental health problems.
Teens & Tweens
From 10 to 25: A Game of Adolescent Discovery
UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent
A collaborative storytelling card game about adolescent discovery created by the UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent and FrameWorks Institute. The game is designed to be played by adults who have influence on the lives of young people to build understanding of what adolescence is, why it’s such an important time, and what young people need to establish positive trajectories.
Grief & Loss
RESPONDING TO CHANGE & LOSS, In Support of Children, Teens & Families
A Toolkit from the National Alliance for Grieving Children
A workbook to process and create space for everyone’s emotions and connect your family’s stories. For their more thorough resource library on particular circumstances of grief, e.g., substance abuse death, suicide, or grandparents raising grandchildren see.
After a Loved One Dies—How Children Grieve and How Parents and Other Adults Can Support Them
New York Life Foundation
Comprehensive guide for parents and other adults to support children and adolescents through the process of grief.
Grief, Your love and support can help children understand death and cope with grief.
Sesame Workshop
Grief videos and resources to help parents and other adults support their young children through death and grief.
Emotional Development and Well-Being
Sesame Street Emotional Development Toolkit for Parents
Sesame Street
Videos with strategies to help children learn to identify, label, understand, and manage their feelings.
Digital Tools for Supporting Emotional Well-being in Children and Teens
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (National Academies), ICF International, and the Centers for Disease, Control, Prevention (CDC, 200-2011-38807/75D30120F00087)
Free, interactive tools available in English and Spanish for families to teach children skills to prevent little worries from becoming big worries.
Executive Function Skills
Books & Tips that Promote Life Skills
Mind in the Making
Book Tips help boost science-driven learning for specific life skills and fun and engagement between children and adults. The books are available in English and Spanish and are designed for three age groups, infants and toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children.
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Talk to Me First, Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids’ “Go-To” Person About Sex; and other books
Deborah Roffman, sex educator
A guide to help you become your kids’ number one source for information and guidance on human sexuality. Just as children develop physically, cognitively, and emotionally in developmental stages, they do so sexually as well. The author gives strategies for handling embarrassing or difficult conversations, offering the best ways to make sure you both keep talking (and listening) at different developmental stages.
Resources for Parents, Caregivers and Children to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Resources to prevent child sexual abuse before it occurs.
Youth Mental Health
Youth Mental Health: Helping You to Find the Support You Need
Maryland Department of Health
Key hotlines, helplines, and resources to support youth mental health.
JED's Mental Health Resource Center
The JED Foundation
The Jed Foundation is a nonprofit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults, giving them the skills and support they need to thrive. The website features resources for teens, young adults and the adults and communities that support them.
Raising Resilience, Strong4Life
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Tools and fact sheets for all stages of development.
How to Motivate Children: Science-Based Approaches for Parents, Caregivers and Teachers
Harvard Center on the Developing Child
Research points to 9 ways that parents and practitioners can promote positive motivation and learning during development. Learn about those 9 ways and more!
Trusted Parenting Websites
The American Academy of Pediatrics Parenting Website/ La página sobre la crianza de los niños de la AAP
Parenting website of the American Academy of Pediatrics, available in English and Spanish.
Key Concepts for Child Development
Harvard Center on the Developing Child
Shares key scientific concepts of child development, including video clips and other resources to translate science into usable tools for parents, policy makers, and community members.
Adolescent Key Concepts
UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent
Shares the science of adolescent development to make it useful and accessible to policymakers, youth-serving professionals, parents, and young people themselves.
Immigration & Deportation
Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
This Resource Toolkit helps grown-ups create a Family Preparedness Plan in the case of an immigration emergency. Get information about child care in the case of an absent parent and where to find immigration services.
Love and Monsters in Sofia's Life
Author: Belinda Hernández Arriaga
The full-color picture book tells the story of Sofia who learns to lean on the love and trust of her family to help with her fears of the monster la migra.
How To Talk To A Child Worried About Deportation
Center for Child Stress & Health at Florida State University College of Medicine
The PDF tipsheet lists common problems seen in children during stressful times and how you can help them.
Healing and Resilience: An Activity Book for Latino Children Impacted by Deportation
Children's Psychological Health Center
The guided activity book (English | Spanish) helps children who are experiencing the threat of having a parent deported or who have experienced this. While geared for children ages 8-12, it may also be helpful to older and younger children.
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Parenting with ACEs
- Self-Care for Grown-Ups
- Early Childhood Mental Health
- Teens & Tweens
- Grief & Loss
- Emotional Development and Well-Being
- Executive Function Skills
- Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
- Youth Mental Health
- Resilience
- Motivation
- Trusted Parenting Websites
- Immigration & Deportation