Brain-Building Toolkit
Welcome to the brain-building toolkit, a one-stop location for all of us to get the necessary tools to help children thrive. Maryland Essentials for Childhood's (Maryland EFC) Childhood Resilience Action Team gathered resources from leading experts, our backbone organizations and community partners to give parents and trusted adults easy access to the latest tips to support children.
Our knowledge of what can help healthy child development and hurt it has expanded dramatically over the past few decades. While science informs our actions at Maryland EFC, you don’t have to be a brain scientist to build a child’s brain. ALL trusted adults have the tools, and in fact, YOU are the key ingredient to a child’s strong foundation.
Science shows us that events early in life can shape a child’s development. The good news is that it’s never too late to make a positive impact.
Helping Grown-Ups and Children Be Resilient
When we, as grown-ups, are under stress, it’s harder to tune into children’s needs.
Try these ways to reduce stress and support your and your child's resilience.
1. Build supportive relationships
For you and your child with friends, family, health care providers, faith leaders, educators, mentors and coaches.
2. Establish family routines
Having a predictable routine builds a sense of safety, belonging and nurtures relationships.
3. Focus on lifestyle habits
Like quality sleep, physical activity and balanced nutrition. If you struggle with getting healthy food for your family, call 2-1-1 and ask about food banks near you.
4. Get outside in nature
It reduces stress hormones and increases hormones that reduce pain and improve mood.
5. Spend time with pets
If you don’t have one, volunteer your time at a pet shelter or organization.
6. Practice mindfulness
It can be a superpower. Watch this video to get started.
Community Supports To Help In Times of Need
We understand parenting and caring for children is one tough job! Learn about community resources near you that can help your parenting journey.
Call the Parenting Helpline
When you have a parenting question, the 24-hour parenting helpline can provide free and confidential advice, resources and support. The parenting helpline is a service of The Family Tree.
Call 2-1-1
211 is a memorable, three-digit phone number that connects you to essential health and human services like food, housing, child care, utility assistance and mental health support.
You can reach 2-1-1 any time of day or night.
Maryland Essentials for Childhood (EFC) has teamed up with 211 to connect you to resources for children and families in your community.
Search by ZIP code to find community support near you.
Help Your Community Learn The Facts About Healthy Development
Hold a training or film screening and discussion in your community to inform community members about the science behind healthy development.