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Where it all began

Maryland has a long history of practitioners and organizations coming together to work collectively to prioritize prevention.

"Backbone organizations serve as coordinating bodies that bring together a diversity of stakeholders and lead a synchronized effort to achieve a common goal."

~ Health Care Value Hub

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Backbone Organizations

Our original backbone organizations, The Family Tree and Maryland State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect (SCCAN), have long understood the profound impact that child maltreatment and other Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) have on a child’s well-being. From short- and long-term health, behavior and developmental challenges to school success, future employment and earning potential, the data has been well documented. 

EFC Leadership Pat Cronin in crowd listening
ACE Interface Policy Maker Reception Attendees

However, there is not a formal cross-sector statewide agency or strategy for promoting child well-being and both preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and mitigating the impact of ACE’s to children and their families. 

Filling that gap is what drove our partners to form Maryland Essentials for Childhood. The original backbone organizations, SCCAN and The Family Tree, and more recently, the Maryland Information Network, provide support to the collective work and growth of Maryland Essentials for Childhood by convening partners, guiding vision and strategy, establishing shared measurements, supporting aligned activities, building public will, advancing policy and mobilizing funding.

SCCAN | Maryland's State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect

The Maryland State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect (SCCAN), established in 1999, is an advisory board to Maryland’s Governor and the Maryland General Assembly. 

The Governor appoints fifteen citizens to SCCAN who have expertise or lived experience with child abuse and neglect: survivors, pediatricians, attorneys, law enforcement, mental health professionals, educators, faith leaders, and advocates. 

Eight additional members are designated by the Maryland Senate, the Maryland House, the Maryland Judiciary and Maryland’s child and family serving agencies -- Department of Human Services, Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Juvenile Services and the State’s Attorneys’ Association. 

SCCAN reports annually to the Governor and General Assembly on the prevention, detection, prosecution and treatment of child abuse and neglect. It holds open meetings to provide for public outreach and input to assess the impact of current policies and practices upon children and families in the community.

SCCAN logo

The Family Tree

The Family Tree, founded in 1997, is a statewide organization and a leading authority for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. 

The Family Tree is the national affiliate for Prevent Child Abuse America, Circle of Parents and Parents as Teachers. Their vision is that all children are raised in safe and supportive families and communities. They achieve their mission through proven, research-based programs that strengthen families and break the cycle of abuse and neglect. 

Maryland Information Network

The Maryland Information Network powers 211 Maryland, the state's most comprehensive health and human services Information and Referral System. With over 7,500 resources, individuals with essential needs can get connected to local help 24/7/365.

The Maryland Information Network has been a nonprofit organization since 2010.

Maryland Information Network logo
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Thought Partners

As Maryland Essentials for Childhood (EFC) continues to evolve and grow we continue to recognize the importance of the thought partners who shape the science and help put the science into action.

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Essentials for Childhood proposes strategies communities can consider to promote the types of relationships and environments that help children grow up to be healthy and productive citizens so that they, in turn, can build stronger and safer families and communities for their children.

The CDC’s original state Essentials for Childhood initiative was intended for states committed to the positive development of children and families, and specifically to the prevention of all forms of child abuse and neglect. In 2023 the original program ended, and CDC refocused its efforts as Essentials for Childhood: Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Data to Action. 

Maryland Essentials for Childhood continues to receive technical assistance and recognizes the support we receive from the CDC in establishing our shared goals. 

ACE Interface Policy Maker Reception

Through the years

Maryland Essentials for Childhood was created in 2014, but the stepping stones to this collective impact initiative began taking shape decades earlier.

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