Attend, Read and Share
We invite you to attend our meetings, read our annual reports and share the information with your colleagues. Together we can grow our network of partners to strengthen our efforts and move Maryland forward.
Attend a Meeting
EFC meets on the first Thursday of certain months, alternating with the monthly meetings for Maryland State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect (SCCAN).
Meetings may be held either virtually or in-person from 1:00 – 3:00PM (EST).
Meeting Months: February | April | June | October | December
Meetings are open to community members and partner organizations. Please contact us to receive our email updates.

Read SCCAN Reports
Maryland SCCAN issues an annual report to the Governor and General Assembly to provide a framework for the work completed by the Council and to make recommendations to advance the work. Included in these annual reports are updates on the activities of Maryland EFC and our shared efforts for that year.
Annual Reports
Share Data
Along with most states, Maryland participates in the CDC-sponsored Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) and Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS).
The Maryland YRBS/YTS anonymously surveys students in Maryland public middle and high schools. It focuses on behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability, including but not limited to, alcohol and other drug use, tobacco use, sexual behaviors, unintentional injuries and violence and poor physical activity and dietary behaviors.
PACEs survey for adolescents
In 2018-2019, Maryland became the first of two states to begin collecting data of positive and adverse childhood experiences (PACEs) among high schoolers.
The Maryland General Assembly institutionalized the collection of PACEs data among high school and middle school students in the YRBS/YTS in 2021.
Maryland YRBS/YTS Survey
The Maryland YRBS/YTS was conducted in the fall of 2021 among nearly 60,000 students in 366 public middle and high schools across the state.
Our partners at the Maryland Department of Health shared an overview of the YRBS/YTS PACEs data results.