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Community Partners

EFC relies on the experience, expertise and depth of knowldedge of our partners across many different fields and sectors to guide our collective work. Take the time to dig deeper and connect directly here.

PACEs Online Networks

Launch and Grow PACEs Initiatives

PACEs Connection

They connect people from across the world who have an interest in positive and adverse childhood experiences science. They provide state and local communities opportunities to launch and grow PACEs initiatives, online and in person, and provide tools to help them measure their progress.

ACEs Training

We All Have a Role to Play

CDC’s Veto Violence Online ACEs Training

90-minute online training on the prevention of adverse childhood experiences.

Building Executive Function Skills for Adults

Building the Skills Adults Need for Life: A Guide for Practitioners

Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Includes 5 ways practitioners can help the adults in children’s lives learn core life skills.

Communicating the Developmental Science

The Resilience Scale Using Metaphor to Communicate a Developmental Perspective on Resilience

The FrameWorks Institute, Nathaniel Kendall-Taylor May 2012

A guide to using the resilience scale metaphor to explain the science of resilience.


Sharing the Brain Story - Using Metaphors to Explain Child Development

NSPCC 2021. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Registered charity England and Wales 216401, Scotland SC037717 and Jersey 384. Illustrations from Fred and Eric. J20201187.

A guide to using metaphors to explain the science of child development.


Reframing Childhood Adversity:  Promoting Upstream Approaches

FrameWorks Institute

A guide based on communications research on how to effectively frame and message the science of childhood adversity.

Essentials for Childhood

CDC’s Essentials for Childhood:  Creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for All Children

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

36-page Essentials for Childhood Framework includes strategies to help states promote relationships and environments that can help create neighborhoods, communities, and a world in which every child can thrive.

Films for Community Screenings and Discussions

Black Boys

Never Whisper Justice

In a nation still struggling to rectify its racial legacy - BLACK BOYS FILM illuminates the full humanity of Black boys and men in America.


Black Girls -coming soon

Never Whisper Justice

The film illuminates the spectrum of humanity for Black women in America. An intimate, inter-generational exploration, BLACK GIRLS strives for insight into identity and opportunity at the nexus of culture, education and healing-centered engagement.


Cracked Up: The Darrell Hammond Story

Michelle Esrick

The Cracked Up film explores the impact adverse childhood experiences can have across a lifetime through the incredible story of actor, comedian, master impressionist and Saturday Night Live veteran, Darrell Hammond. It helps us understand the effects of childhood trauma in a new light, breaking down barriers of stigma and replacing shame with compassion and hope.


Great Photo, Lovely Life


In the film Great Photo, Lovely Life, photojournalist Amanda Mustard investigates the decades of serial sexual abuse committed by her grandfather. Revealing interviews, archival photographs, and intimate home movies unravel a world of secrets while illustrating Mustard's efforts to disrupt the cycle of intergenerational trauma and empower the survivors to move forward. Conversation guides are available on the website.


Healing Neen

Tonier Cain

The story of the amazing recovery of Tonier 'Neen' Cain from a lifetime of abuse and drug addiction to a career as a nationally-known speaker and educator on the devastation of trauma and the hope of recovery. Neen’s story points to the individual and societal consequences of untreated trauma and the need for trauma-informed approaches and services across our systems, including child welfare, mental health, addiction, judicial, housing and corrections.


Paper Tigers

KPJR Films

Paper Tigers follows a year in the life of a high school that has radically changed its approach to disciplining its students, becoming a model of trauma-informed care and for how to break the cycles of poverty, violence, and disease that affect families.


The Mask You Live In

The Restoration Project

The Mask You Live In follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America’s narrow definition of masculinity.


The Raising of America

Raising of America Documentary

This five-part documentary series and companion tools illustrate how a strong start for all our kids can lead to better individual outcomes AND a healthier, safer, more prosperous and equitable America.


Resilience, The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope

KPJR Films

This documentary brings the science of ACEs and resilience to life and explores what communities are doing to put the science into action on the ground.


What is Healing-Centered Engagement

Building Healing Behavioral Health Systems sponsored by the Maryland Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration

Defines healing-centered engagement and provides additional resources on healing-centered engagement


Self Healing Communities:  A Transformational Model for Improving Intergenerational Health

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Laura Porter, Kimberly Martin, PhD, Robert Anda, MD, MS 

This article presents the Self Healing Communities model that has demonstrated success in improving rates of many interrelated and intergenerational health and social problems by investing in the people most at risk and reducing and preventing the root cause of these problems: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).


Practical Guide for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach


51-page guide to help health care and behavioral health systems become trauma-informed.


Building Healing Systems Data-to-Action Toolkit

Building Healing Behavioral Health Systems (BHBHS), Maryland Department of Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, Bowie State University, in collaboration with community organizations, and people with lived experience

This toolkit was created to help Maryland’s Public Behavioral Health Systems become trauma-informed and healing-centered. It has applicability to other systems, agencies, and organizations that wish to become trauma-informed and healing-centered.


Secondary Traumatic Stress:  A Fact Sheet for Child-Serving Professionals

7-page fact sheet for child-serving professionals on the impact of secondary trauma and steps to take to alleviate it.


Evidence-Informed Treatments for Trauma

Building Healing Behavioral Health Systems sponsored by the Maryland Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration

A non-exhaustive list of types of evidence-informed treatments for adults, families, and children who have faced stressful and/or traumatic events. 

Business Leaders

Making the Business Case for Prevention of ACEs

Prevent Child Abuse Kansas and Kansas Children’s Service League

PowerPoint presentation slides that make the case for businesses to become actively engaged in preventing ACEs and steps to do so.


What's Good for Business is Good for Children

EPIC - Executives Partnering to Invest in Children - Colorado

Business leaders in Colorado partnering to invest in children and leaving a legacy of true progress and lasting change that will benefit the workforce of the future.


CDC’s Veto Violence Preventing ACEs Online Training for Educators

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

90-minute online training for educators in the prevention of ACEs.


Trauma Sensitive Schools

Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative

Tools and resources for schools to become trauma-sensitive so as to ensure that all students, including those impacted by trauma, succeed at their highest levels in school and in life

Faith, Spiritual, and Religious Communities

CDC’s Veto Violence - ACEs Online Training for Faith, Spiritual, and Religious Communities

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

90-minute online training on preventing ACEs for faith, spiritual, and religious communities.

Justice Systems

Essential Elements of a Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice System

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

9-page brief on creating a trauma-informed juvenile justice system.

Medical Professionals

CDC’s Veto Violence - ACEs Online Training for Pediatric Medical Providers

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

70-minute online training on preventing ACEs for medical professionals.


Training & Resources for Medical Professionals

ACEs Aware

Online training for medical professionals on ACEs and screening.

Law Enforcement

Resolution on ACEs 

International Chiefs of Police

See page 23 for the resolution on supporting awareness and developing appropriate resources.


Creating a Trauma-informed Law Enforcement System

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

7-page guide to creating trauma-informed law enforcement systems.


Trauma Training for Criminal Justice Professionals

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

The GAINS Center offers training that helps educate criminal justice professionals about the impact of trauma and how to develop trauma-informed responses.  You can search for trainers in your area.


Police Reform & Trauma Informed Care - Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice (CTIPP) Webinar

Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice

Webinar panel of 5 law enforcement representatives, including two Chiefs of Police, from across the country who share their efforts to help law enforcement agencies become trauma-informed. Start video at 15:04.

Social Services Professionals

Building Healing Systems Data-to-Action Toolkit

Building Healing Behavioral Health Systems (BHBHS), Maryland Department of Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, Bowie State University, in collaboration with community organizations, and people with lived experience

This toolkit was created to help Maryland’s Public Behavioral Health Systems become trauma-informed and healing-centered. It has applicability to other systems, agencies, and organizations that wish to become trauma-informed and healing-centered.


The Things They Carry: Advancing Trauma Informed Responses to Elder Abuse

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Justice at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale

52-page brief culls information and insights on trauma in older adults and makes recommendations to make organizations, systems and communities more attuned and responsive to the elders who are suffering in body, mind, heart and spirit as a result of abuse and other traumatic experiences to support healing and hope.

Behavioral Health Professionals

CDC’s Veto Violence ACEs Online Training for Mental Health Providers

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

60-minute online training on preventing ACEs for mental health providers.


Building Healing Systems Data-to-Action Toolkit

Building Healing Behavioral Health Systems (BHBHS), Maryland Department of Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, Bowie State University, in collaboration with community organizations, and people with lived experience

This toolkit was created to help Maryland’s Public Behavioral Health Systems become trauma-informed and healing-centered. It has applicability to other systems, agencies, and organizations that wish to become trauma-informed and healing-centered.

Child Welfare Professionals

Applying the Science of Child Development in Child Welfare Systems

2-page brief that lays out the science of child development and provides steps for the public and private agencies, courts, foster parents, and volunteers who work within the child welfare system to put the science into action.


Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Online training for child welfare professionals in implementing trauma-informed knowledge and skills in their daily interactions, professional services and organizational culture.

Resource/Foster Parents

Resource Parent Curriculum Online

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

An online curriculum for providers and resource/foster parents who are using or interested in using the Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Workshop for Resource Parents curriculum in their communities.