Working Together to Achieve Our Shared Vision
Maryland Essentials for Childhood (EFC) is a statewide collective impact initiative with a shared vision and actionable steps to meet our goals. Our work is a collaborative effort across all sectors. Simply put, without our partners engaging in the process, the vision is not achieved.
Become a partner
Do your organization’s mission and values align with ours? Are you working to promote positive childhood experiences, prevent ACEs from occurring or working to mitigate the impact of childhood trauma?
Then join us as a partner organization to strengthen our statewide efforts. Leave your information in the form below, and we'll be in contact soon.
Engage With Our Initiative
If you're an engaged community member, we invite you to join the Maryland EFC resource database. This is a quick and easy tool for grown-ups to find community resources and support by ZIP code.
Our backbone organization, the Maryland Information Network (MdInfoNet), powers the statewide resource database.
- Read their inclusion policy.
- Submit your agency/organization's information.
- If you're already in the database and need to update your information, email MdInfoNet.
Looking for ways to learn more about resilience and the science of ACEs to better understand and improve your community? Get involved with our initiative.
EFC meetings are open to our partners and community members, we welcome having diverse voices at the table and providing opportunities for everyone to engage in workgroups and thoughtful conversations.